The Braedius Systems approach
Braedius is not just selling single products, but complete solutions consisting of hardware, software and services.
The core of each system is a CytoCam camera, however, there are many more components which are needed to meet the needs of a specific set of user requirements.
Options are:
- Device controllers
- Medical grade 24″ PanelPC
- A laptop with a 17 ” display
- A 2-1 tablet/notebook with a 15″
- A high-end desktop for heavy analysis workloads
- Software
- Camera Manager
- Analysis Manager
- Network solutions
- Remote support software
- Accessories
- Medical grade keyboards and mice
- Trolleys
This can be complemented with training and installation services.
If Breadius offers and commits to provide a complete system, the complete system is built and tested before shipping it to the customer.